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♣Section - I | ♣Section - II | ♣Section - III | ♣Section - IV | ♣Section - V | ♣Section - VI |
♣Section - VII | ♣Section - VIII | ♣Section - IX | ♣Section - X | ♣Section - XI |
A NEW COMMANDMENT I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. "By this shall all men knew that ye are my disciples, if ye have loved one to another" - Jn 13:34&35 |
THIS IS MY Commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you". - Jn 15:12-14 |
THAT WAS THURSDAY. Within hours, He was to be betrayed by one of His own men; Another one was to deny Him three times before the dawn; Everyone around Him for the past three and a half years was going to desert Him. He was deeply troubled in His Spirit. The cruel crucifixion with all its excruciating pain awaited Him. He fully knew that His hour had come!
He was Jesus, the Christ!
While the whole city was celebrating the Passover with every ritual gaiety, He should have to pass from this world to His Heavenly Father through the exasperating agony that would have to pierce into pieces His Soul and Body alike at the torturous cross of Golgotha under the midday scorching sun!
Jesus had no other go ... !
These were all carefully pre-planned by His beloved father with faultless accuracy in every aspect.
By His father ... ?
Yes ... !
Reason ... ?
His love for this world; His love for this mankind; His love to redeem us from eternal punishment and His love to give us everlasting life ... !
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."(John 3:16) |
Because of this uncompromising love toward us, our God Eternal prepared to send His only Son, Jesus as a ransom for us all.
In earlier days God Himself appointed various sacrifices to absolve mankind from their sins. Refer to the Book of Leviticus in the Bible.
'The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent' at any cost. [Ps.110:4]
So, when the time for His redemption had come, He decided to send forth His Son to this world 'through the seed of David' for the purpose [Jn.7:42].
Jesus also obliged His Father...!
Jesus came to this world with full authority to lay down His life and to have the power to take it again.
Though He received this authority from His Father, Jesus had the full option to execute those powers according to His own free will. But He never allowed His will to interfere with His Father's will. He was always so honest and keen to fulfil His Father's will alone. That is why, His Father also loved Him. [Jn. 10:17&18].
During His childhood, He said,"... I must be about my Father's business.." [Lk. 2:49].
In His final hours, He said,"... the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do.." [Jn. 14:31]
So, from cradle to Calvary, Jesus soaked Himself perfectly into His Father's will!
He never bothered about anything else!
Now the time had come...!
JESUS ROSE IN the middle of the supper which He wanted to have with all His dear ones. Moreover, this particular supper had typified significantly His whole life and mission in a nutshell.
The LORD of lords washed His disciples feet, as an obedient slave to His master!
The Creator bade farewell to His traitor as if not interfering into another man's business, whatever may be its outcome!
Then began His marathon discourse!
This 125-verse-instruction and prayer starts with a commandment...
NEW COMMANDMENT...! [Jn. 13:34]
In the course of His speech He again emphasised this in Jn. 15:12 as 'MY COMMANDMENT...!'
What is it?
'That ye love one another as I have loved you'.
Simple ... Very simple ... to hear and read...! Wow!
In practice, it has been a big ...
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Is it possible? ... Is this the real thing that He wants us to follow?
Yes... unless and until we observe this commandment, we could never be known to others as 'HIS DISCIPLES!' [Jn. 13:35].
Not only that, Jn. 15:13&14 says, that through this alone we can also become 'HIS FRIENDS!'
What a simple way to become the LORD's disciple and friend!
Jesus repeatedly insists us to keep this particular commandment as He has kept His Father's. [Jn. 15:10].
On that eventful Thursday evening, He was so much particular to emphasise this commandment again and again in every way.
Read Jn. 15:13. There He tells us how that love would be or what kind of love He expects from us.
"Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." |
In the very next verse He says: "Ye are my friends if ye do whatever I command you."
So, He is very clear in His teaching. He wants us to love one another to the extent of laying down our life for one another.
What a deep love He expects from us...!
If we show and practice such a deep love to one another,only then we are eligible to be called as His disciples and His friends!
Already He had walked on this earth as a living example of this deep love: He gave His life for us while we were yet sinners and enemies. Through His death, we were reconciled to God beside saved by His life. [Rom. 5:10].
So, it is our turn now, to show such deep love to our enemies and friends alike!
HOWEVER, THIS IS totally impossible for us. Strictly speaking, we feel a vacuum in this area. For this, we still need some help from within and without.
Knowing our plight, our LORD and Saviour graciously promises to send another Comforter, The Spirit of Truth who would guide us into all truth [Jn. 16:13]. With the guidance and help of the Holy Ghost, we do mortify the deeds of the body and can abide in Jesus Christ!
To receive this Holy Ghost, which is the promise of the Father, we have to wait with one accord in one place. that is the only norm laid down for this purpose. [Act 1:4&2:1].
In Joel 2:28, it is written, "... I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh".
In Jn. 16:23&24, Jesus says: "... verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name: ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full".
So let us ask accordingly, and receive the Holy Spirit to the fullness of our joy. Then we can love Jesus with all our heart, soul and mind without any inhibition or impedance. Only by this love we can realise deep in our heart that He died for us: And with this help of the Holy Ghost, we shall "not henceforth live unto ourselves, but unto Him which died for us and rose again." [2Cor. 5:15]. Also, we can say triumphantly with Paul: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." [Gal. 2:20].
At this stage, it is much easier for us to endearth even our enemies. this is what our Saviour expects from us. Also, through this love, we begin to keep up His word: the commandment of Christ. This shows that we are loving Jesus dearly. Hence, God the Father will also love us and along with Jesus, He will come unto us, and make His abode with us. This is what Jn. 14:23 says!
WELL...! WHAT IS the secret that He wants such deep love shown among His disciples?
Jn. 10:16 has the key...!
"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd". |
Oh! this is the heart cry of our LORD...
Do you hear it...?
... Your Father's yearning...!
This is the reason behind His last word before "He was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God"
'Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature'.
Without love how can we go into the world? That is why, Jesus wants to cultivate such a deep love among His disciples on the pattern of His love toward His Heavenly Father!
By cultivating such an uncompromising love, our LORD wants to imprint in us, His longing ... unquenchable longing for the lost sheep!
INDIA IS NOTORIOUS for its communal cacotopia and religious repugnance throughout the history. The people, however, throng the holy places with equal reverence irrespective of their creed and colour.
From the dargah of Ajmer Sheriff to the shore temple at Kanya Kumari or from the Cathedral at Velankanni to the shrine of Sufi saint Noor-ud-din Noorani at Charar-e-Sharief, the so-called holy places draw a great multitude of pilgrims from all religious sector alike including a crowded titular Christians!
What a shame!
For these people, all in one while the ways are many.....!
Our national leaders, politicians and religious higher-ups may be satisfied as these places seem to be a symbol of communal harmony in these troubled times!
Even in the Christian circle, some of its leaders may also hail this as a perfect religious tolerance, because they want to accommodate other religious people without hurting them at any point and without disturbing their religious faith at any count under one roof in the name of charity. They think and declare this is the love that Jesus wants to spread among the lost sheep!
What a misconceived perception!
It can be termed as 'perficient perfidiousness...!' That is all!
However, this vagabondism of the people invokes silent reverberations - 'WE NEED PEACE' and 'WE NEED THE TRUE LIGHT BY WHICH WE CAN KNOW THE TRUE WAY'.
'Peace... True Light....!
THIS CONSTANT RESONANCE makes our LORD to urge His disciples to go and teach all nations to observe all things what-so-ever He has commanded to them, and baptising them not according to traditional etiquette but as per the Biblical truth.
Paul, the Apostle had this longing in him. In 1Cor.9:22 he says: 'To the weak became I weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some'. In 1Cor.10:33, he further says: 'Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking my profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.' Again in 1Cor.9:19 he declares: 'For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain more.' Above all he 'travailed in birth', until the Christ be formed in the being of believers [Gal.4:19].
Why such pain...? Why such agony...? Why to the extent of travail in birth...?
Because, this Tarsusian Jew knew the mystery of God's unblemished will: 'Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which he hath purposed in Himself; That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him:' [Eph.1:9&10].
This is the purpose of the work of our LORD and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
'Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles, and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together growth unto a holy temple in the LORD; In whom ye also are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit'. [Eph.2:19-22].
Peter also writes in 1Pet.2:5: 'Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ'.
See what a magnificent design that our LORD is having for those who have faith in Him based on unchangeable love towards Him.
Moreover, 1Cor.12:27 clarifies: 'Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular'.
This is the real Church, that our LORD means. [Eph.1:22,23 & Col.1:18].
If it be the case, from where come the various doctrines and denominations which advocate the breaking of the body of Christ as to their whims and fancies?
SALAMI DARWAZA IS an imposing gateway which was used for gun salutes during Sultan Barbak Shah's rule [1459 AD] at Gaur in West Bengal's Malda town. A prominent Archaeological Survey of India notice outside declares it a 'protected monument' and warns strict action against any depredation. How seriously people take this notice becomes evident when you take a short walk and see the nearby houses. Most of them - even the spanking new ones - have been built from the centuries-old bricks taken from this monument.
- This is a part of an article that appeared in the INDIA TODAY, Feb. 1996 issue. the author narrated lamentingly how a massive structure has been ruined and the people pillage them for bricks!
Is this the same case with a striking similarity that has been in vogue in our Christendom for the past many centuries?
While Jesus teaches 'Unity', we follow diversity...!
When He preaches 'Holiness', we practice profaneness...!
And the moment He seriously instructs 'Divinity', we gleefully adopt calamity...!
That is why, if anybody wants to see Christ, he can see either a Roman Catholic or any of the branches of Orthodox, a CSI, a CNI, an ESI, or any one of the countless Pentecostal groups and so on...! |
Oh! how we minced His body to the worst ruined state and deform it completely!
Our LORD is so much particular in oneness in everything. 'There is one body, one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One LORD, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.' [Eph.4:4-6].
Only to establish this oneness, He gave us one Bible, with one basic commandment - 'LOVE ONE ANOTHER'
Now we have countless doctrines and lucid interpretations which can fit every individual's fantasies! As a result, His commandment has also been translated into various rebirths and its original tone is 'counted as a strange thing' [Hos.8:12].
This is the reason we see nowadays, numerous denominations, institutions and societies in the name of the One, who advocates - 'ONE-FOLD ... ONE SHEPHERD'
IN THE WORDS of Dr. John A. Mackay, President of the International Missionary Council, Germany: "The moment the Church becomes completely programmed and de-personalised, it becomes a monument to God's memory and not an instrument of His living power."
Otherwise it can be said that the Body of Christ has been ruined by our doctrines and divisions: And in due course, we made this church, the Body of Christ, a monument in every aspect.
Of course, this may be because of His doing at that memorable Last Supper in the Upper Room; while He asked His disciples to take and divide among themselves the 'blood if the New Testament', he took bread, gave thanks to His Father, BROKE IT, and gave to them, saying: 'This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me'.
Since He Himself broke His body, we are also studiously breaking His body as much as we can without realizing or understanding the bone of contention underlying it. Thus we happily remember Him in our own fashion!
ANDREW JUKES WROTE in his book 'The Law Of The Offerings': The Scripture is the key to itself. Besides, we have the Holy Spirit to open it to us... God Himself is His interpreter. We fail to understand the Scriptures because we seldom accept His help. this is the reason why we are so often in ignorance. It is not that the truth sought for is not in the Word, but that through lack of communion with Him, who gave the Word, we have not enough of His mind to apprehend His meaning, even where He has fully expressed it."
When we apply our mind to know the Word, the problems come in...! We understand it in every way about our mood and movement. We find new interpretations at every situation and time according to our fanciful thinking. then it gives birth to a new doctrine which is to be followed very promptly by a new denomination.
Now we are in every way ready to pull down some bricks from the massive structure of the Body of Christ. We also use some bricks which have already fallen and feel some uneasiness in their new-found environs. With this lot we equip ourselves to spank a new structure of our own - a private company - our own kingdom. Now automatically the Body of Christ becomes a monument.
'SELFLESS' has gone out while 'SELFISH' has its way in to the reigning throne! |
GOD GAVE US His Word in writing! Then He gave it to us as His only begotten Son; At last, He gave His Spirit to whoever asked for it to understand His Word in its rightful perception and to follow His Son in every walk of life until we reach His Heavenly abode.
The God Almighty never gave us individually anything like creeds or doctrines. His only aim regarding us is that we should learn to know and follow the ever-living Christ! But, this is the conspicuous missing in our midst today.
Hence, His ultimate goal of 'ONE-FOLD ... ONE SHEPHERD' also cannot yet be accomplished with! And the Spirit of God also faces so many obstacles and denials in His mission!
Dr. Carl Henry, editor of 'Christian Today' was right when he said: "In twentieth-century Christianity, the Holy Spirit is still a displaced person. Liberal theology exiled this divine person from the life of the Church in favour of simply divine 'function'."
Though our God Almighty graciously gave promise in Joel 2:28 for the downpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh in our days, we are never ready to ask for Him or accept Him or adore Him. We are deliriously afraid of Him and disallow Him into our midst. Whenever the Christians made the Spirit of God a refuge, they became the real vagabonds. They can never understand the love of Christ and so they could not love one another. Also, they have to go pillar to post for peace and for true light to know the true way!
THE TIME IS running out! At any moment our LORD will come. Already He is at the door! The events of the world tell us that there is no more time left. At spes non fracta! So, even in this last minute itself, let us realize our blunder!
Let us accept our unworthiness and lack of understanding in knowing His Words with an open heart!
Remove all reservations from our mind!
Let our ego and our complexes be jettisoned forthwith!
Don't vainly argue on the strength of 1Cor.11:19 that heresies are good. Gal.5:20 clearly says that heresies 'are the works of the flesh'. Only to manifest 'which are approved', 'the works of the flesh' are necessary. So, why should we trail behind 'the flesh'? Let us crucify 'our flesh', which always 'lusteth against the Spirit'.
Let us live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.
Have it in your mind... the whole life of our LORD is the Gospel to mankind!
The apostles followed His footsteps and spread that Gospel everywhere!
The first-century missionary, Paul declares when he writes to the Corinthians: 'Now thanks be unto God which always causeth us to triumph in Christ and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place; For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ...' [2Cor.2:14&15].
The Apostles had His experience and had no doctrine. So that, they could be 'a sweet savour of Christ unto God'. Only by this, they could establish 'ONE-FOLD ... ONE SHEPHERD' Church in those days.
Today every one of us has doctrines and have no experience unto His Glory.
Therefore, put aside our doctrines and denominations in a corner or if possible have enough courage and throw away those abominations from our midst!
Give way to the move of His Holy Ghost!
Let our hearts aflame!
Come together as a Body of Christ with the help of the Holy Ghost!
Let us rejuvenate our spirit, body and soul into Jesus!
The Bible says in Is.40:31 - '... they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint '.
Come on ... let our hearts aflame!
Let all the denominational barriers be broken!
See, already 'The Breaker is come up before' us. [Mic.2:13].
Let every village, town and city have one Church each like in the Apostle era!
Let us move... move on...!
This is the time...!
The LORD is in our midst to pour out the latter rain!
Let all the unworthy doctrines be washed away in that downpouring!
Come on... wherever you are, leave these viewing for a while and kneel down before His presence...! He is there right now! The Spirit of the LORD is at your side...! Feel His presence... Feel His gentleness... Accept Him... Invite Him to reign over you! Surrender yourself at His bosom. He wants to use you as a mighty weapon in His hands to build His Church - 'ONE-FOLD ... ONE SHEPHERD'!
The love of God will freely flow through you to everyone you come across and you will become His disciple and friend.
A disciple and a friend to our LORD, the King of kings!
Let our hearts aflame!
Quench not the Spirit!
Revival will surely have come in our generation!
Be a watchman for this 'ONE-FOLD' - the Body of Christ.
This is the real bride, the Lamb's wife. [Rev.21].
'He which testifieth these things saith, surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, LORD Jesus!'
He who hath ears to hear, let him hear!
The grace of our LORD Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!
"He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." -Matthew 12:30 |