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IT IS INCONGRUOUS, incorrigible, incredulous and indefeasible beyond words and measures. People are baffled at it; the scientists are babble on its next development; the medicos bamboozle it with muddle-headed intriguing medical terms; the elite politicos ball up its very existence by their flustered confutation; yet, without any perturbation it persists!

That egregious one is - AIDS: the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome!


To stop this dastard havoc, a lot of medical research is being carried on by spending millions of dollars in most countries; But, it is unlikely that one will be available shortly.

Now, in a way the present-day generation, dawdlingly succumbed to the veracity of this peripheral epidemic. The world in its umptieth move approbates the ferocity of this universal plague by marking the first day of every December as World AIDS Day.


NO ONE KNOWS or sure from which part of the world the AIDS virus first came. Some argue it is from Africa; But, according to medical records, the first case of AIDS was reported in the United States of America in the year 1981. In that year, a doctor found five previously healthy young men with 'Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia', a very rare type of infection. In the same year came reports of 26 men who had developed 'Kaposi's Sarcoma', a rare form of cancer.

Until 1981, both these diseases had only been found in people whose immune system was not working properly. The fact that these two diseases were now appearing in previously healthy young men suggested that something had severely damaged their immune system because of some extraordinary happening and this condition was termed - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or in short form - AIDS! When exploring that 'extra-ordinary happening' which caused this satanic syndrome, it was found that all those affected persons were, curiously enough, having immoral characters in their sex life.


THE AIDS VIRUS is called 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus' - (HIV). The manifestations of infection by HIV, range from mild abnormalities in the immune response without overt signs and symptoms to profound immunosuppression associated with a variety of life-threatening infections and rare malignancies.

At this juncture it is good to know about the 'Immune System' that protects our body from alien intruders.

When the body is invaded or attacked by any bacteria or virus, it has three means to defend itself -

? The Phagocytic Immune Response;

? The Humoral or Antibody Immune Response; and,

? The Cellular Immune Response.

The first line of defence, the Phagocytic Immune Response, involves the white blood cells (GRANULOCYTES and MACROPHAGES), which can ingest foreign particles. These cells can move to the point of attack to engulf and destroy the foreign agents.

The second protective response, the Humoral or Antibody Response, begins with the lymphocyte cells, which can transform themselves into plasma cells that manufacture antibodies. It is these antibodies, which are highly specific proteins, that are transported in the blood-stream and can disable the invaders.

The third mechanism of defence, the Cellular Immune Response, also involves the lymphocytes, which, in addition to transforming themselves into plasma cells, can also turn into special killer 'T' Cells that can attack the microbes themselves.

Oh! What a magnificent defence system has been perfected in our constitution by the Mighty Everlasting Creator!

But, this wonderful system has now been duplicated by HIV and leads to the total collapse of the entire human body. For this debacle, humankind also lends their due contribution. Without their share, such impairment could not have had its access in such a devastating proportion. That is what the Bible says in James 1:14 & 15 -

"When each one is tempted by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death"

The God Almighty created man in every perfection. And His only longing from then on has been - "My most opulent creation has to cleave unto Me like a child unto its father." This can be very well evident from any original Scriptures of the world. But the destroyer led the unblemished man to disobedient to the ever-loving Father.

The serpentine tongue, in all its malevolence, enthralled the first woman to discord with the pleasing voice of the LORD. The first man also followed suit. For them, the God-restricted-fruit of the tree was 'good for food' rather than any other food available in the magnificent Garden; and 'pleasing to their eyes', rather than the wonderful perfect environ of their time; and also 'desirable' rather than anything that God gave to them.

Indeed their eyes were opened; but, the 'sin' entered into their very being!

On hearing the meek footsteps of the LORD God in the cool evening, they hurried to hide among the dark woods and it was highly terrible for them even to hear the very gentle sound of that majestic footsteps.

The man, who ought to have inherited the divine progeniture, fell heir to sin and curse! The living man became a deathly man due to his disobedient to the word of God.

On that very moment the real understanding nature of the human race had also vanished into thin air.

The sinistrous satan had his day; and from then onwards an enduring conflict had begun.

Now it became natural for man to be disharmonious to every design and word of God.

When the LORD God saw the lonely man on the surface of the earth, it was not good in His sight and He thought of making a 'helper suitable for him'. Accordingly, He did make a helper from the rib taken out of the man and blessed both the man and the woman in every way, the Creator saw all that He made and now it was very good to Him.

After his sinful fall, the man chose his own ways and means which resulted in nullify all this 'heavenly goodness'. 'God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes' (Eccl. 7:29) only to deviate from the eternal plan of God as per the hidden direction of the satan. 'Although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, and they began to exchange the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

'...Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.'(Romans 1:21-24) In India and other south-eastern countries of the Globe, the people are worshipping very sincerely the genital parts of the male and female bodies! In fact, humankind worships and serves all the creations rather than the Creator, who alone is worthy of forever praising and worshipping!

Since they gave first place to all worldliness, 'God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men.' (Romans 1:26-27)

Even in the days of Abraham, the very same sin was so grievously prevailed in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and God Himself came down against those cities. Fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and burned all its subjects (except Lot and his two daughters) to ashes and made them an example of what was going to happen to the ungodly. But the thinking of the humanrace became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.


WHILE THE WORLD has fastly been moving towards the end-time 'day of judgement', every human being is going here and there to increase knowledge. Their inventions add so many things that spoil their body and mind alike.

They went to new heights in the electronics field; they are flying in the super cyber highways; yet, their minds were polluted in toto by perverted sex and obscene vulgarity that are aired worldwide through numerous satellites!

While they invented new methods to increase the means of cultivation, the younger generations were more and more drowned in narcotic drugs such as opium, morphine, heroin, barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, hashish, LSD, etc., etc., etc. As such, along with the growth of communication technology, the knowledge of sexual perversion also expands rapidly.

So, today we are in so much advancement in every field than the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the destruction we deserve should also be in the form of a more sophisticated and superfluous one than that of those generations. Fire and sulphur alone will not be sufficient for our lethargic grievousness. Therefore, this time we have to solemnly accept a novel destroyer ... that too into our blood itself - the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which will later develop into the deadly disease, AIDS - a defluxion that has no medicinal remedy; a clear global highway that leads the victim as quickly as possible directly to the abyss!


THE HIV IS selectively infect helper T-cell (T4) lymphocytes in the white blood cells. Through the use of an enzyme known as 'reverse transcriptase', HIV can reprogram the genetic materials of the infected T4 cells. As a result, HIV can use the T4 cell to produce HIV instead of T4 lymphocytes. Consequently, whenever the infected T4 cell is stimulated by invading organisms, HIV is produced instead of the T4 lymphocyte. The newly produced HIV can then infect other T4 lymphocytes, which results in the birth of countless HIVs in a cyclic order within a short period. Thus the body loses its priceless immune strength and collapses in no count of time!

Having HIV is not the same as having AIDS; Some HIV-infected people live for six years before developing the AIDS symptoms. However, 85% OF aids patients die in a year. In February 1994, at Faridabad two persons died within 24 hours of the detection of this deadly virus in their blood.


THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of Alternative Medicine held in Calcutta in 1994 had called upon the practitioners of various traditional therapies such as ayurveda, unani, naturopathy, magnetotherapy, vibrational healing, yoga, Tibetian medicine, etc., to evolve alternate ways to save people from the global threat of AIDS.

According to an estimate arrived at the beginning of the last decade by the World Health Organisation (WHO), there were 2.5 million AIDS patients and about 14 million HIV-infected persons all over the world. Now the number of HIV-infected persons alone increased to boundless propensity.

Some eight years back, Mr. U. Koko, then WHO's Regional Director for Southeast Asia, said that AIDS had spread its tentacles further across the globe and it was estimated at that time that 5,000 people were being infected everyday with the HIV.

The Harvard AIDS Institute's projections for the year 2000 AD said, 'India will not only have the largest number of AIDS infected cases in the world but account for 40 per cent of them'.

Yes ... this may not surprise one while looking upon the present available data: More than one crore people in the age group of 18 to 40 years are suffering from the deadly disease of AIDS and more than 20 per cent of the people in the North-Eastern States alone are affected by HIV.

Among the truck drivers along the highways in India, who form the highly mobile section of the population, the spread of the AIDS virus is at an alarming rate!

Especially, this most deadly scourge of modern times has its special touch upon Bihar! The fact that a large number of HIV-positive cases detected in Maharashtra, West Bengal, Punjab, Gujarat and other North-Eastern states are the migrant Biharis! These facts are merely the tip of a tremendous iceberg!

Now, the government has published advertisements in the dailies regarding the ongoing threat of AIDS; but, in a very very mild way!

Not only in India, but all over the world nobody is speaking strictly for the total ban on sexual immorality and the use of drugs. Instead, they are speaking of 'safer sex' and 'safer addiction'.

What a hellish trend!

Gay societies and homosexual groups have their open acclamation among almost all the governments of the world. Even in India, homosexuals from several parts of the world gathered in a phased manner to help create a sense of identity among their Indian counterparts by bringing forth the history of such sexuality in the deep-rooted Indian culture!

The Indian Health Organisation educate prostitutes in various parts of the country to compel their customers to go in for latex pieces which is the only hope now as a life-saver for the whole world!

That means, no one is willing to part with such a kind of shameful immorality; but, at the same time, they do not want to accept the HIV / AIDS menace as the result of their unfortunate behaviours. they hate the reward; but, more and more wallow in their fathomless murky deeds!

The LORD aptly says in Jeremiah 4:22 -

"My people are fools, they are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good."

That is why Jesus came to this world with the Spirit of 'wisdom' and 'understanding'.

In this camouflage situation, our real need is not a vaccination; but, a heart of understanding! ... An understanding of who we are? ... An understanding of where we are? ... An understanding of how we are?

To acquire this real understanding,

First - we must admit that we have no understanding at all;

Second - we must divulge ourselves openly, without any inhibitions or reservations;

Third - we must shed our egos in total;

Fourth - we must accept the fact that we are sinners;

Fifth - We must realize that we are all the more into the world;

Sixth - we must think of our inabilities and limitations to overcome all the odds; and,

Seventh - we must allow the blood of Jesus Christ to clean our body and soul, and offer Jesus, the Saviour, the supreme abode in us to reign as our LORD and Saviour!

Our loving God,
the Heavenly Father
never despises
a broken
contrite heart!

Amen and Amen !

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