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THIS HAS BEEN considered a custom of the dark ages. Yet, this heinous practice of branding a woman a witch and then killing her publicly continues unabated in the tribal belt of North Indian hilly areas. Though this type of brutality enflamed in the remote villages, the majority of such cases usually get focused on and reported in the media widely nowadays.

These cold-blooded murders are always instigated by the so-called 'magic doctors' called Ojhas or Matis. The villagers have put their faith blindly upon them. In the absence of any State Health Personnel in these areas, these quacks had their liberation to act as 'doctors'. The Ojhas provided herbal medicines and did puja to cure and prevent diseases that the tribals suffered from. The Ojhas always pointed to any one of the local women for the reason of their various sicknesses and branded her a witch. Because of the blind belief in these quacks and to escape from a variety of health ailments and misfortunes, the villagers openly come forward and kill that woman mercilessly!

Different tribes, especially the non-Christian Oraons, Santals, Mundas and Hos still live with their separate identities and ethos marked by the customs, beliefs, taboos and religious practices which often include propitiation of departed souls and a multitude of so-called malevolent and benevolent spirits (?).

These people believe in animism and their environment, witchcraft, sorcery and exorcism are a part of life. even the educated tribals are not free from such a way of life...!

To end such social menace some people nowadays think of a collective and organised social action. Curiously enough, however, the tribal leaders, politicians, educationists and administrators are all silent about this social havoc...!

Whenever a question fired towards the administration concerning this burning subject, pat came the patent reply: 'What can we do? The problem is deep-rooted!'

Well, if it is the case, dear brothers and sisters, what is your answer for these people who have been in the darkness for generations after generations?

THE BIBLE CLEARLY says that the man who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. [John 12:35]

Here in North India countless of your brothers and sisters who cannot differentiate their right hand from their left are sinking into miry depths where there is no foothold. for them, even in this ultra-modern computer age, everywhere there is darkness ... darkness and nothing but darkness!

Though more than 2,000 years ago a great Light had dawned on those living in the land of the shadow of death, these people still hurdle this avoidable social apathy.

Even after this great Light declared in John 8:12, "I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life", the people of this wretched world do not heed this lovely voice. Instead, they put their trust in all other things except this great Light and slowly head towards the never-ending pitch dark which will one day end in their eternal destruction. this is why the administration also exhibits its inability by lamenting such devastated social menace:"What can we do? ... The problem is deep-rooted!"

But ... as a human being who accepts and walks in that Great Light, you can do a lot for these people of this Northern hilly tribal belt of your country. You cannot simply evade your responsibility by just ignoring this needy people!

Jesus came as the Light for this whole world so that no one who believes in Him should stay in darkness, Because He is the True Light that gives light to every living thing of this world. Moreover that Light is real Life!

Jesus gave a definite command to all His followers: "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation". [Mark 16:15].

And what is that Good News ... ... ...?

- binding up is the Goodnews for the broken hearted;

- proclaiming the freedom is the good News for the prisoners;

- proclaiming the year of the LORD's favour and the day of vengeance of our God are the Good News for those who are thirst in their souls;

- comforting is the Good News for all those who mourn;


- bestowing
               - a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
               - the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
               - a garment of praise instead of despair ...

are the Good News for those who grieve.

Now what about you ... ?

Do you come forward to preach the Good News to these depressed and oppressed tribal people and show them the True and Flawless Light?

The responsibility is now yours ... !

The door is opened ... ... !

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