In the midst of darky nights,
Be a lighthouse for us Thee!
Let Thy Hand there lead us safe;
Thro' that bright and lovely way!
We are nothing and empty vessels
Full of filthy ugly things!
Let Thy Blood does cleanse us all
And make us worthy to thy call!
Though the storms of fiery winds
Toss against our dreamy lives:
Let Thy Grace showers from High,
Thro' which survive we long way!
Teach us how to humble our souls:
Guide us how to nail our flesh;
Let Thy Good Spirit takes our reins-
And keep us always into Thy will!
Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ,
Give us wisdom, understanding, and strength:
To take our crosses daily in life,
To follow Thy Foot Steps all through our life!
When the cruel end stands our neigh-
Obscure death that stretches its claws:
Let Thy Mercy be with us,
So that we'll sleep in peace!
Every day we praise Thy Name;
Our souls extol Thy mighty deeds;
The LORD shall reign forever and ever-
Our God, O! Zion, to all generations!