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♣Section - I | ♣Section - II | ♣Section - III |
SHE WAS SO weak. Pale. Skinny. Could not walk even to a little distance. An acute pain gripped her stomach perpetually. It squeezed her. She had to gather all her energy to stand from her kyphotic position: but with minimal results. Intermittent fever and giddiness also exasperated her more compulsively.
She had catamenial discharge. Ceaseless bleeding. Without stopping for twelve loooooooooooong years!
The law of her land said that no one should come near her even to lend a helping hand; she was unclean and impure. Disastrous situation.
She, however, consulted doctors. Far and near. Spent all her money. Emptied all her living. However, the physicians could not diagnose her ailment. It was a mysterious puzzle for them. Was it hormone imbalance? Or, menorrhagia? Or, fibroid uterus? Confusion mounted up. Yet, they gave prescriptions liberally because of her hefty fees.
Discomfort and deterioration were menacingly eating her body in an enflamed rage. She lost all her wealth vainly on her health and became penniless.
Her family ignored her. relatives abandoned her. Friends avoided her.
As the days grew, her condition became bad to worse to total hopelessness. She was a waste to everybody. A mere worn-out. An obsolescence.
Hell, with walls of draconian law and custom on one side and unproficient medicines on the other side, gleefully tormented that destitute. She was down deep into a fathomless live-hell. That broke her spirit on the whole.
The hapless poor woman now expected her anguishing agony to end by death. But death also seemed to be a distant mirage in a never-ending desert!
"Oh! God! 'Why ... did you bring me out of the womb? I wish I had died before any eye saw me." (Job 10:18) |
THAT DAY BEGAN as usual. Nausea and pulsating pain engulfed her fondly as a matter of course. The exhausted woman was writhing mopingly. It was about the fourth hour in the morning. Just then she had changed her blood-soaked clothes for the seventh time. A feeble moaning seepingly escaped from her dry lips.
Suddenly there was a commotion in the streets. People were running towards the shore of the great sea of Galilee.
The anxiety in the streets caught this ill-fated woman too. She wanted to know the reason. Just a human curiosity. But no one would bother her. Everyone was in haste.
"Hay, what's the matter?", she yelled in the air.
"He is on the way, at the seaside", someone replied without being concerned who the caller was!
The hovering dark clouds over her began to disperse. 'He is on the way' - the very words stirred up her soul: for, she knew who 'He' was! For the past three years, everyone in her village, Capernaum, came to know 'Him' well!
He was JESUS ...!
Some said that He was the long-awaited Messiah! Some denied it. He, however, had some miraculous power in Him. So only, whoever went to Him never returned without healing. Whether it be a common fever or the cursed leprosy, they all flew away by His command! The people said, 'His touch makes these wonders'!
She knew already all those things. At times she also wanted to go to Him for His healing touch. But the stringent Law toughened her hesitation and suppressed her desire. So, she dropped that idea and preferred to consult still more doctors.
However, on that day, a firmness raised in her mind.
'Why don't I try? Let me go near Him very stealthily and touch the edge of His garment without disturbing Him or detracting from Him in any way. If He has the power in Him, I will be healed; otherwise, that would be my fate.
She decided to venture in. She began to move towards the seaside from where the joyous shouts were emanating.
The pain and weariness, dejection and depression made her condition more worse than ever. Virtually she was crawling. Her only determination was 'to touch Him at any cost'. No retrieval.
On her way no one gave any attention to her. For them 'He' was more important than anything else. This would be a plus point for her.
She crawled.
Pain started increasing. She felt the blood flowing out.
She went on crawling.
The craggy road made her move so travail. Some sharp stone pierced her hinder-end. She did not stop. She wanted to touch Him. She needed cure.
A severe pain was reverberating through her whole body. The frail constitution sweated profusely. Her sight was fading rapidly. Her conscious was sinking by slow degrees.
'No, I have to go' - her reflex bristled her up. She aggressively overcame her deliriousness.
'I must touch Him. I want relief. My health is within my reach here. I won't let it slip away. God, have mercy on me.' - She compulsively put her mind on Him and crawled forward.
She remembered their prophet, Isaiah's advice:
"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55:6) |
'Yes, I have to call upon Him. He is in front of me.' - She crawled firmly.
'Oh! there He is!', - An excitement bubbled in her!
The multitude was swarming Him. Jostling each other to go near. Trampling on one another. Still, it was to be an uphill task. She had to creep in through a thick jungle of legs to reach her goal. If she had noticed, then it would have worsened the matter much more. She made her move cautiously.
From her position she could see His feet! Even the edge of His long cassock could be seen!
'God, give me strength to reach Him.' - Her heart pleaded earnestly to the Almighty!
The jubilant sounds of 'Hosanna' rent the air. Beaming children were howling 'Hallelujah' at the top of their voices. They were laughing. Rejoicing. Dancing. A festive mood was blooming over there.
In the din someone trampled her inadvertently. It was a violent shock. For a while, she thought that she was no more. She felt fainting. She became drowning. It seemed to be wise enough for her to withdraw from there immediately.
But, the thought of her loss, pain, agony and neglection by all had wiped away her dilly-dally thinking.
He was here. Her redressal was very near. Well within her eyesight. Was it her last chance? Who Knew? Anyhow she did not want to lose that chance of her lifetime. She looked up and searched if anyone noticed her. Good Heaven! Everyone was busy in thronging Him!
The edge of His dress pleasingly waved in the air as He moved His legs.
She gathered all her energy. She was creeping like a snail.
The gentle vacillation of His garment seemed to be calling her with much life and care!
Oh, it was! The tip of her index finger sensed the train of His cloak!
She touched!
A dynamic force exploded into her! An indescribable force of life!
She felt the bleeding stopped! She got it! Hurray!
Waves of joy rolled out from her heart!
She was cured!
She felt that she could stand!
She sprang up!
She could not contain her feelings. tears burst down on her bony cheek!
She got her healing!
It was hard to believe. But, it had happened. A frenzied ecstasy violently rocked her.
All her pain had gone!
She was free from all her prolonged torment!
He did it! Jesus had the real power!
What a glorious moment that was!
TODAY YOU MAY a one like that hapless woman. Your illness may be a protracted one like her's. Already you may approach so many quarters to get remedy: but, in vain. You may lose all your hope.
Do not worry! Here is a good news for you!
Try JESUS today...!
The Bible says in Hebrew 13:8 -
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever." |
Yes... He is unchanging! The same Jesus, through whom countless received their healings some 2,000 years ago, is now at your side with open hands to receive you as you are!
He is the
He wants to bless you!
He declared:
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) |
Try this Jesus today!
He came to this world as a human like you and me to redeem us from all our sins and thus paved the way for eternal life!
For this purpose He chose the terrible cross to offer Himself as compensation for our entire iniquities.
On the cross, He not only took away the sin of the whole world but also, gave us healing through His strips.
Try Him today!
Right now He is by your side. Put your faith in Him. Submit yourself to Him as you are and pray for His healing touch!
He will surely heal you! For, He is - "the LORD, who heals you." (Exodus 15:26)
So, try Jesus this time!
He did not spare anything for Himself: but, gave even Himself up for us all. If it is the case, how will He not, along with Himself, graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:32).
Try Him today!
He says in the Bible:
"Ask, and it shall be given you;" (Matthew 7:7) |
Try Him today!
Again He says in John 16:24 -
"Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." |
Ask Him now!
He is the Living God! His "years shall not fail." (Hebrews 1:12)
Try Him now!
He is full of compassion!
"His compassions fail not" ... "according to the multitude of His mercies." (Lamentations 3:22 & 32) |
Try Him!
He is your Creator!
"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account" (Hebrews 4:13) |
Try Him!
Above all He is your Heavenly Father! He says in Isaiah 49:15 -
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget I will not forget you!" |
So, just try Jesus today!